One of the beautiful expressions of Jesus’ self-sacrificing love for us is that He walked in our footsteps during His time on earth as God made man. At our University of Central Florida’s campus ministry, students publicly express their love and gratitude for Jesus’ passion by walking the 14 Stations of the Cross across the school’s campus on Good Friday.
For Br. Adam, director of our campus ministry, the student-organized and led Stations of the Cross serves as a reminder of the significance that Holy Week and Easter carry for all of us.
“This wonderful and inspiring public testimony by our students is meant to profess to all that this is Good Friday,” said Br. Adam. “We want to make people pause and realize that this is a special day for the Church.”
Last year’s Stations of the Cross started with about 75 students on a hot, sunny day at UCF. Br. Adam estimates that 25 to 30 people joined them to participate in some or all of the Stations of the Cross. An advance team of students preceded the procession to set up a simple cross at each of the 14 Stations across the entire campus.
“We see school administrators, professors, cafeteria workers, grounds keepers and others join our procession,” said Br. Adam. “It’s a very beautiful expression of our indebtedness to Jesus for the redeeming sacrifice He made for all of us.”
At each Station, a volunteer taking part in the procession is invited to read a reflection that is followed by prayers by all as they commemorate Jesus’ passion. Then the procession solemnly moves to the next Station on campus while people sing hymns.