People often ask me, “What is a Brother?” I like to turn that question around and ask, “What is brotherhood?”
In today’s secular society, brotherhood is most often associated with a group of men bound together by a common cause. We see it in sports and the military, but it’s becoming harder to find examples of genuine brotherhood today.
In the Catholic Church, the vocation to religious brotherhood is one of the oldest vocations we have. Our commitment to being men joined together on a mission is expressed in our name. There aren’t a lot of Brotherhoods in the Church, but that is definitely who we are.
And we’re certainly not gathered around a sports team. What continues to sustain us throughout our 40 years as a Brotherhood is the true source of life — Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is enough for us. Our simple and celibate lives witness to this fact. And we believe the Lord has this unique calling — not only for us, but for other men as well.
Perhaps the military analogy comes closest to capturing our calling. As Brothers, we are “spiritual marines” for the Church. Our mission to college students places us at the front lines of spiritual battle in the New Evangelization. We live together, pray together and serve together under the inspiration that Jesus Christ is All-Sufficient.
This is our founding charism. It sustains us as we blaze the way for this generation to renew the Church on five campuses across the United States: Northeastern University (Boston); Rutgers University (New Brunswick, New Jersey); Florida State University (Tallahassee); University of Central Florida (Orlando); and University of Minnesota (Minneapolis).
As consecrated men, we take lifelong vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. We live as celibate Brothers because we believe that our consecration to Jesus is enough to fulfill our deepest desires.
Today, a number of men are exploring life in the Brotherhood of Hope through the stages of initial formation. Our process of formation takes about seven years. The novitiate year is the most intensive component and the only period of full-time formation. After that “spiritual boot camp,” Brothers typically profess temporary vows for five years before professing perpetual vows. They also serve in the Brotherhood’s campus ministries during this period.
God searches for the unsatisfied, for those longing for something more in life. And He searches for men to find them. Men willing to give their lives over to Him, even as His Son gave His life for us. We desire to be those men.
If you know a young man seeking Brotherhood, please encourage him to contact Br. Patrick Reilly at [email protected]