In 1971, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a remarkable group of young men were inspired to form a new expression of celibate life. In the Catholic Church there are numerous religious communities of men that share a mission and a common way of life, but what is truly unique about this brotherhood is that these men are from diverse Christian backgrounds!
There has been so much division and painful conflict between the Christian people over the last millennium. Historically, Christians from different backgrounds have struggled simply working together or living in the same area. These men, however, are literally living and sharing all of their lives together.
I had the privilege of living for a year with the Servants of the Word in Ann Arbor in 1984. I lived in an ecumenical house made up of men from various countries. My life up to that point had been fairly sheltered but now for the first time, I experienced deep friendship and brotherhood with men not only from different Christian churches, but also from different nationalities. I felt like the Lord’s command “to love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34-35) was being realized in these men that I served and lived with. That year was one of the most transformative periods of my life.
The Servants of the Word have continued to pioneer works of evangelization, community building and Christian unity all over the world. For a relatively small group of men, they have “moved mountains.” They founded an international ecumenical association of Christian communities and support various youth and college missions. They have courageously established charitable and ecumenical efforts in places like Belfast and Detroit.
Finally, I would like to offer a particular tribute to Stephen Clark, the founder of the Servants of the Word. He is the best kind of leader: one who has faithfully and courageously followed the Lord’s call to serve the body of Christ, but in a most humble fashion. Steve was one of the early visionaries of the form of Christian Unity that the Servants live and foster. I sincerely believe that, of all the fruits of Steve’s labors, the unity of God’s people is most dear to our Lord’s heart! May the Servants of the Word’s mission and passion for unity continue to grow and flourish in our time.