The fathers of seven Brothers joined us for a retreat weekend that had teaching by Dr. Bob Schuchts, prayer, Mass, fellowship, vows, and recreation. The dads got a helpful window into our Brotherhood’s ‘family life’ and communal dynamics. Some of the fathers that joined our weekend retreat (back row, left to right): Tom Warnez, Dan McBride, Brian Robinson, Marty Buganski, and Ed Neri. Photo-absent were Ron Crock and Tim Reilly. Ed Neri, Br. Adam’s father wrote, “The talks and testimonies were personal and potentially life-changing for us fathers (and sons). But the ultimate highlight was spending quality time with my son and sharing our relationship in a very deep, personal and spiritually up-building way. Thanks for this incredible opportunity!”
Several Brothers enjoyed their vacation together in early July at the majestic Rocky Mountains. In addition to some hiking trips, Brothers Brennan and Jeff did two days of rock climbing on a 350 foot cliff. Here is Br. Jeff (above) scaling a 350 foot climb in Colorado. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati must be proud of him!