Boston – The Brotherhood of Hope, a Catholic community of Brothers representing the Church on six campuses in four states, today announced plans for seven men to profess temporary vows this summer, including two novices who will take first vows.
The Brotherhood evangelizes Catholic students on secular college campuses and prepares them to go on to renew the Church. The seven men will profess vows in July 2019. The two new Brothers will receive their campus assignments in the coming months.
Brothers Patrick Stucker and Martin Buganski will profess their first temporary vows. They spent the past year as novices praying, studying and discerning their vocation.
The following Brothers will renew their temporary vows:
Br. Logan Murray, fifth temporary vows, currently serving at Northeastern University
Br. Ray Morris, fifth temporary vows, currently serving at Florida State University
Br. Brandt Haglund, third temporary vows, currently serving at Florida State University
Br. Matthew Warnez, third temporary vows, currently serving at University of Minnesota (St. Lawrence University Parish)
Br. Austin Riordan, second temporary vows, currently serving at Northeastern University
In addition, Will Mechling, a graduate of Florida State University who has been serving as a St. Paul’s Outreach missionary at Rutgers University, was accepted as a novice by the Brotherhood of Hope.
“We are truly blessed to have these outstanding men seeking and following the Lord’s call for them with all their hearts, minds, souls and strength,” said Brother Ken Apuzzo, General Superior of the Brotherhood of Hope. “We are overjoyed with their desire to evangelize the spiritually poor to help prepare the next generation to renew the Church.”
Founded in 1980 in Newark, New Jersey, the Brotherhood of Hope today has 18 perpetually professed Brothers and two dozen men in various stages of formation. Today, the Brotherhood is based in Boston under the supervision of Cardinal Sean O’Malley.
The Brotherhood’s formation process takes at least seven years. The novitiate year is the most intensive component and the only period of full-time formation. Brothers typically profess temporary vows for five years before professing perpetual vows. They also serve in the Brotherhood’s campus college ministries outreaches during this period of formation.
About the Brotherhood of Hope
The Brotherhood of Hope is a community of Catholic Brothers—we live together, pray together and serve together, under the inspiration of our founding charism that Jesus Christ is All-Sufficient.
Our primary mission is evangelization on secular college campuses. We are blazing the way for this generation to renew the Church. We represent the Catholic Church on six campuses across the U.S.:
Northeastern University (Boston)
University of Massachusetts (Boston)
Rutgers University (New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Florida State University (Tallahassee, Florida)
University of Central Florida (Orlando, Florida)
University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)
Our work on campus is a response to the Church’s call to share the Good News with the spiritually poor. We lead young women and men to a deep conversion to Jesus Christ and his Church. We build evangelistic communities of vibrant faith and train students to influence their peers, the Church and society.
Our charism, the All-Sufficiency of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 12:9), informs every aspect of our life together: Jesus alone is enough for us. We live as celibate brothers, because we believe that our consecration to Jesus is enough to fulfill our deepest desires. Likewise, we are Brother-evangelists because Christ alone can satisfy the lost. The anchor of hope (Hebrews 6:19) is our symbol because only He can give lasting hope to people.
Founded in 1980 in New Jersey, the Brotherhood is now based in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston.